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REJOICE is a song that describes the ineligibility of man to save himself from the wrath of God to come in that his good works and self righteousness is never enough and that it took the last Adam ( Jesus Christ) to do this for him free of all charges. The man Jesus Died for all man regardless of Color and Race. Therefore Rejoice!

(Eho Eyo)

Oh God…
Solo - Verse 1
Oh, Man in his adamic nature
Cannot save himself from the wrath to come
Even though the law he was given
Was in the order of Aaron
All his righteousness cannot save him at all
His good works cannot save
His holiness is trash
But there is only one goodnews that came
And it’s all about you Lord
Ehi, Ehi, Ehi we sing it

Chorus: Jesu ku faraye ooh ooh ooh
(Jesu mi ku ooh)
Jesu ku faraye ooh ooh ooh
(Yes he died)
Rejoice (3ce)
(Rejoice my brother)
Rejoice (3ce)
Eho eyo ooo

This is what happened before the savior stepped in…
Solo - Verse 2
The first Adam came
And brought upon us sin
But the Last Adam came and took it all away
Because he is the great high priest
In the order of Mel-chi-zedek
He finished the work on cross of Calvary
He died and rose again
Gave us eternal life
And to all men that believe he saved
Forever ever more
Ehi, ehi, ehi, we sing it

Chorus : Jesu ku faraye ooh ooh ooh
(Feyin omo araye)
Jesu ku faraye ooh ooh ooh
(Eho eyo oh oh oh)
Rejoice (3ce)
Rejoice (3ce)
Eho eyo ooo

Solo – verse 3
Now that we are saved,
We are saved all by His grace
And not of our works
But through faith in Him alone
Now we are eligible children
In the order of Jesus!
(The great high priest)
Now we can be called the righteousness of God
The special possession, (Tongues) the one He sealed with His blood
(This is my reality)
And this is because one man obeyed
To give us all this free life
Ehi ehi ehi, we sing it ... (high)

Chorus : Jesu ku faraye ooh ooh ooh
Jesu ku faraye ooh ooh ooh
Rejoice (6ce)
Eho eyo ooo

Jesu ku faraye ooh ooh ooh
(Jesus died for men)
Jesu ku faraye ooh ooh
(He died for you and I)
Rejoice (3ce)
Rejoice (3ce)
Eho eyo ooo

Lead adlips – Jesu yiiii kuuuu

Back up - Faraye ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
(Jesus died for all. Thank you my father)
Faraye ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
(Thank you Jesus. You died for me, rose again, set me free)
Faraye ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
(Lord I am grateful (2ce))
Faraye ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
(He died for you my brother)
(He died for you my sister)

Back up - Rejoice all men (Rejoice)
Rejoice all men (Somebody)
Rejoice all men (Raise your voices)
Rejoice all men (I say rejoice)
Rejoice all men (Rejoice)
Rejoice all men (Because Jesus died)
Rejoice all men (He died for me)
Rejoice all men (He died for you)
Rejoice all men (He died for the whole world)
Rejoice all men
Only believe in the word of God, rejoice


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