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*GOING HIGHER ....a simple sing along song reaffirming your trust in God*

Wake up every morning singing your way to your high places

Eh eh eh eh eh oh yes,oh ,oh it's from glory to glory ,I can never never fail
I can never never fall
God is taking me from glory to glory.

In the name of Jesus
Am going higher everyday,am getting bigger everyday moving forward everyday(2ce)

(Lead)Say in the name of Jesus(All) Repeat chorus)
I am going higher
I am getting bigger
I am getting stronger
Eh eh eh eh,I am going higher eh
Say I am moving forward eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
From one step to the other God is taking me
God is moving me

Lead) Say ,backward never forward ever,God is taking me from glory to glory eh eh eh(2ce)

All) Backward never forward ever.God is taking me from glory to glory

Lead)somebody say
All)Backward never. Lead)Shout it loud A)forward ever
L)God is taking me
All)God is taking me from glory to glory.
L)he From glory to glory to glory to glory eh eh
A)Backward never forward ever God is taking me from glory to glory
L)he he he God is taking
A)God is taking me from glory to glory
L)Say backward never ,never ever
A)Backward never forward ever
L)He God is taking Me( A) God is taking me from glory to glory .L) God is moving me.God is driving me (A,)Backward never forward ever God is taking me from glory to glory .Lead) he he he everyday.

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