Artistes & Lyrics is a FREE limitless streaming website for social engagements, music publishing, promotion, sharing and discovery platform for artistes, labels, creators, and all music lovers. The website is user friendly with some extra features which other live streaming music websites did not have. The website and our services are to serve the interests of all music lovers across the globe. It is our utmost desire that everyone has the best experience using this website.



Free Music Hosting: Whether you have single song or more, Artistes & Lyrics lets you host it all for free by creating your free profile with short video highlights and stories. You can create a profile as a creative & non-creative to start receiving our daily, weekly, and monthly gifts & souvenirs by following, streaming, downloading, sharing, and commenting on your favorite artistes.

Advanced Stats: Your free artist account comes with our advanced stats, which helps you build your fanbase easily. It also helps you measure engagement and connect with your fans.

Professional Artist Dashboard and Stats gives you an advanced Artiste Dashboard with in-depth stats on how your content is being consumed, completely free - no VIP account needed.

Beautiful and Functional Embeddable Players: Every upload on Artistes & Lyrics creates a free, customizable embed player which can be placed on any 3rd party blog, platform, or site. Use embeds to let your music go wide, then funnel fans to your highest value platforms (merch, ticket sales, etc) using the built-in Buy button.

Monetize Your Content: Our monetization program is currently active. See our Monetization Term of Service for details. We will constantly improve its features as we deem fit.

iOS and Android apps for Free: available for download and 100% free. Our cross-platform apps allow you to discover, stream, chat, like, and share music on the go.

Free Audio & Video: Submit your raw song for free audio & video recording, online radio & TV airplay, live streaming performances in modern equipped studio, interview on Artistes & Lyrics Show, and promotions on all our platforms (terms and conditions apply, but not monetary).

Paid Services: Become an artist to have quick access to our free music & video recording. Become an artist by points to have access to our free music & video recording etc. Become a pro member to have speedy access to all our services: free audio & video recording, online radio & TV, live performances in our modern equipped studio, interviews, and promotions on our platforms.

Follow Us: For all enquiries and our update news about us





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